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Greetings 1st Grade Parents,

I hope you had a great summer.  I am looking forward to working with you this 2024-2025 school year. I would like to share with you an overview of 1st grade expectations for both students and parents.  Parents, it is crucial for students to arrive each day on time.  Arriving on time helps your child prepare for their school day and our classroom routines.


You will be informed when reading and spelling homework is scheduled to begin. 

Daily written homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday.

Late homework is accepted only in cases where the student is absent on the next school day. All homework assignments are collected, checked and placed into the student's folder between 8:00 and 8:30 each morning. If a student is late for school, it is up to my discretion whether to accept them or not.

Reading homework will be assigned 5 days per week.  Spelling homework will be assigned once per week.


If the student does not have their reading book on a test day, the student will receive a zero.  I will give one exception only for not having their reading book.  Students need to bring their reading book to school every day because we read every day.  


Our Bible Memory will begin in September.  Students will receive a new passage of Memory Verses each month and will be tested at the end of that month.  They are required to recite the entire passage by memory.  

I am looking forward to a Blessed school year.  Also, I am thanking you in advance for your cooperation.

Sis. Carson