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Our History

Zion Temple Christian Academy was founded by Dr. Jasper J. Phillips and his wife Dr. Beulah K. Phillips on Tuesday, September 6, 1983. The school was founded on the vision of training up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6)

The school originally opened with 12 students. Presently, the school staff with teachers and other willing workers that are truly dedicated to the Lord and His work, and they are faithful in their service to the school.

During the course of years, God has literally more than doubled the enrollment. We offer an excellent academic education from a Christian perspective with graded curriculum from PRE 3 (preschool) through grade six.

We deeply appreciate the support of the saints, parents, and friends who have prayed, supported, and given of themselves unconditionally for the work of this ministry. Truly, we are grateful for God's abundant blessings, and we can look back and say, "Look at what God has done," toward the children of men.

Suffragan Bishop Charles L. Smith, Principal
John Copenhaver, Asst. Principal
Debbie Phillips, Preschool Administrator
Yvonne Washington, Secretary
Rodney D. Napier, Advisor