School Supplies
3 - Boxes of Crayons (24 count)
1 - Pair of Safety Scissors
1 - Box Markers
2 - Elmer’s Glue Stick
8 – Dixon Ticonderoga Primary Pencils
2 - Pack of Erasers
4 - Plastic Pocket Folders
1 - Book Bag w/o Wheels
1 - Soft Sided Pencil Case
3 - Boxes of Tissues
2 - Canister of Lysol/ Clorox Disinfecting Wipes
1 - Box of Ziploc Storage Bag (small or large)
1 – Large Bottle Hand Sanitizer with Pump
1 - Bag of Baby Wipes
Case of Bottled Water (8 fl oz )
1 – Computer Headphone – jack or USB (Please do not send expensive headphones.
We are not responsible, nor will we replace them). You can find some at Five and Below.
**Please make sure the student’s name is on all their supplies along with clothing, coats, sweaters,
bookbags, and lunch boxes. **
1st Grade
1 - Bible (King James Version only)
1 - Pencil Box/No pouches
1 – Student Milk crate
1 - Ruler (inches & centimeters)
4 - Pocket folders no prongs
1 - Composition notebook
Book Bag (no wheels)
Erasers (big)
2 - 16 Count Box of Crayons Only
Pair of scissors
1 – Computer Headphone – jack or USB (Please do not send expensive headphones.
We are not responsible, nor will we replace them). You can find some at Five and Below.
2nd Grade
1 - Bible (King James Version only)
1 - Soft sided pencil case
1 - Student Milk crate
1 - Ruler (inches & centimeters)
4 - Notebook paper (wide rule)
2 - pocket folders no prongs
1 - Assignment Book (with dates)
2 - Dozen Pencils
Book Bag (no wheels)
Liquid glue
2 - Box of Crayons or Colored Pencils
Pair of scissors
3 - Boxes of tissues
1 - Large Bottle of hand sanitizer with pump
2 – Canister of Lysol/Clorox Disinfecting Wipes
Case of bottle water 8fl. oz
1 – Computer Headphone – jack or USB (Please do not send expensive headphones.
We are not responsible, nor will we replace them). You can find some at Five and Below.
3rd Grade
1 - Bible (King James Version only)
1 - Soft sided pencil case
1 - Student Milk crate
1 - Ruler (inches & centimeters)
4 - Notebook paper (wide rule)
2 - pocket folders no prongs
1 - Assignment Book (with dates)
2 - Dozen Pencils
Book Bag (no wheels)
Liquid glue
2 - Box of Crayons or Colored Pencils
Pair of scissors
3 - Boxes of tissues
1 - Large Bottle of hand sanitizer with pump
2 – Canister of Lysol/Clorox Disinfecting Wipes
Case of bottle water 8fl. oz
1 – Computer Headphone – jack or USB (Please do not send expensive headphones.
We are not responsible, nor will we replace them). You can find some at Five and Below.
1 - King’s James Version Bible
2 - two pocket folders
1 - ruler with centimeters
1 - soft sided pencil case
1 - three ring binder
5 - spiral notebooks
1 - milk crate
1- collegiate style dictionary with thesaurus
3 - loose-leaf notebook paper (wide rule)
Mechanical pencils
pens - blue or black ink non-retractable
an assignment book
index cards
erasers, colored pencils
dry erase markers
protractor (6th grade)
compass (6th grade)
2- boxes of tissues
2 - Canister of Lysol/ Clorox Disinfecting Wipes
1 - 24 or 32 oz personal bottle of water for daily use
1 – Computer Headphone – jack or USB (Please do not send expensive headphones.
We are not responsible, nor will we replace them). You can find some at Five and Below.